Michelle Jeovanny
2 min readJul 23, 2021


It’s interesting to see the different dynamics play out when it comes to grief and mourning the loss of a member.

Some dynamics move into control and dominance because it’s their way of creating a false sense of security in their bubble of illusive comfort.

Others and the vast majority move into scarcity because the thought of losing someone ignites the loss of everything that person represented for them. So our stress response has the self hyper-focus on their environment and all material things they can grasp and distract themselves with because the truth is no one is buried with their material accolades.

Other dynamics move into victim consciousness and cope with self-soothing/numbing mechanisms... One because it’s easier to sit back and complain and criticize. Two because death represents in their belief system a loss of power so they numb themselves with tv or alcohol or drugs because they resist feeling into the void of who they are called to be in this moment.

Most get stressed out and overwhelmed so they act out on the people they claim to love most. They hyper-focus on everything they’re not getting and retreat into a cave of nonconformity and utter dissatisfaction for months and even years on end.

And then they’re the rare few who stand as source and use the opportunity death is presenting to move closer into their hearts. Getting present to the urgency of life as they lean into their values and what they want this remaining time to represent. They transform with the notion of death knowing each thought becomes an experience and each choice becomes a habit.

There is no right or wrong way to face this.. some choices provide more pain and suffering and others dignify the experience as we level up in our consciousness. Some choices create isolation and loneliness and other choices create power and togetherness.

But what we all know for certain is that we will all depart from this body.

How we treat those we love becomes our legacy. How we express our love becomes our signature.

There is no escaping the illusion of death, yet some people live on powerfully long after their departure. It’s because of how they lived and made each moment count.

You are responsible for your energy and how you are showing up for you, your life, and those you love.

All my luv,



Michelle Jeovanny
Michelle Jeovanny

Written by Michelle Jeovanny

I create. I write. I express. Writing to create magick in this world. Where innovation meets depth and style. And perspective creates purpose. Elevating freedom

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