UnHeal Your Heart
The heart doesn’t need healing.
Just like God, the Universe, our Higher Self doesn’t need our service, just like we don’t need to be saved.
It needs space.
Feelings to be felt.
Emotions to move through us.
And then release.
As these feelings and emotions rise to the surface, the whole purpose is to release them.
Feel, feel, then let go and choose what’s next. Choose what to step into.
A lot of the shit we carry isn’t even ours. We believed it and held it fixed. The labels, the stories, the bs limitations. All of it was self-imposed and picked up along the way.
We are quantum beings, and in every moment we have the power to choose.
So it’s less and less about healing, and more and more about creating… creating inner space for our hearts to rise and lead the way.
How do we create space? By taking a moment to acknowledge what’s there.
What needs get to be met? And how can we honor those needs ourselves?