Thursday is ruled by Jupiter.. and this expansive planet is all about learning, growing, and most of all celebrating who we are becoming! Celebrating our greatness, our magick, our joy, and our love…
If you are not in love with every aspect of your life, I have some good news. You have the power of choice. You have the power to change it or reframe it in a way that fully supports your greatest becoming.
See all that resisting and judging any part of our life just keeps in place that which you are resisting. It holds that energy fixed…
Until we step into choosing powerfully and take full ownership of creating what we do want, we’ll continue the cycles of living lives that feel like ‘eh.’ Life is good, I’m grateful, things could be worst, I’m alive and healthy, my family I healthy, —but do you feel alive? Do you feel lit up about your life? Do you wake up excited about life?
Jupiter has that effect… it wants you to step into that kind of fire. It’s all about growing and stepping into the possibility of what living our full potential looks like.
Above-average is great. Mediocrity takes more energy than most of us can admit to. But EXTRAORDINARY… That’s way easier and way more fun!
I’ll meet you there. I promise you when you start showing up for you and your vision, it gets easier.
And for those called to work with me I have two spaces opening up in January for my 1:1 mentorship.
This is for the woman that knows there is more. The woman on a mission to evolve and expand so she can fulfill her mission.
The woman seeking to embody her authentic expression and step into financial liberation.
This is not for the faint of heart. This investment requires you to take a leap of faith and move with conviction.
If this is you message me. I can’t wait to serve and partner up with you.
Al my luv,