This dude. He’s my soul and business partner. My best friend. Lover. Teacher. Mirror. My very own comedian and action list double virgo monster. I love him. He drives me crazy sometimes. But I can’t thank him enough for all the hard work, the heart, and the tenacity he brings everyday.
We were right in the middle of major projects, closings pending, and major transitions when we got hit with 3 huge bombs no one saw coming. The abrupt transition of my grandmother. A terminal illness of one of our family members. And a fertility journey we never thought we would face. And yet here we are. Post the ultimate tsunami that brought us both to our knees.
Relationships have us face not only our deepest wounds and deeply conditioned patterns, we also face the lemons, the unexpected circumstances life brings for us to test and initiate us into what I’m calling a new era.
It feels lighter even though there is much uncertainty and the grief comes and goes for us both. But it did have to get dark sometimes so we can ultimately own our own stuff, to see how strong we are and to choose to rise together as we weather and navigate the storms of life with much grace and compassion.
And to also value a community of supporters and well-wishers that continue to root for us. I am excited for what this new era brings and for what we are creating day in and day out.
Thank you for choosing and believing in us when I was too blinded by my own pain to see myself or us clearly. This is also to celebrate the world-class dad that you are… it’s one of the qualities that had me fall in love with you. I love you JD Mitra my hubster! Aka the rockstar husband of mine!
Your kali,