Things don’t make sense until they do…
Things don’t make sense until they do. And then it just clicks. In the meantime do what you need to do to get back to your truth.
Shifting requires shedding…
Releasing the old to make space for the new. And many times our own attachments to old identities are the very thing we are challenged by the most when it’s time to hit delete.
What old identities are holding you back?
I’ll share the one most present right now: releasing the servant archetype. It’s the ‘I’m too busy serving others that I forget to take my seat at the table’ syndrome. But what I don’t love is the minionship that feeds off of that humble servant’s low self-worth. The manipulation and greed deem one’s own agenda more important than others.
Honoring our self-worth is such an intricate part of the grand equation. It comes with harsh decisions that seem effortless the moment we dive in and continue working on our own energetic signature. But if we’re distracted by the 3d mirror, boy does it fuck with you.
So dive in my friends.. work on the greatest masterpiece there will ever be. No roles or circumstances are bigger than the force of love that abides within you. You can create, transform, and transcend ANYTHING. It’s time to dive in and be the alchemist of your dreams.
All my luv,