An event happens.
We make up a story.
We interact with reality through the filters of our story.
We make up beliefs according to our story.
We treat people a certain way according to our stories.
The only way to bust through a story is by getting all the stories of the people involved.
Once we get all the stories we make peace with our story.
Not insinuating that our story is invalid, but only a colored fragment of the real story.
I love how easy it is to understand this at face value and yet still get caught up in our stories.
Be direct.
Speak your truth.
Share from a place of love and compassion, seeking understanding and not necessarily to be understood. But to see all the sides of this one story.
Some things don’t have to mean what we thought it meant. We all have our stories and yet we are always at choice.
To choose the stories that empower us and to let go of the stories that are not serving us and most importantly not serving our vision of what we truly desire.
If you want to feel loved and appreciated then be Source. Bring the love and appreciation to the external. If you want to feel loved and supported then bring the love and ask or offer your support. If you want to feel important then make someone else feel important.
Often times our complaints of the external world are mirroring back to us the places we haven’t gone within ourselves, the places where the internal hose is kinked and the vessel is clogged up.
Stop getting upset with the mirror and start choosing a better story.
Start choosing you…