Michelle Jeovanny
1 min readNov 9, 2021

We never know the endless ripples our energy, words and our work will cast across the sea of the collective consciousness. I have always taken great pride in my work because in the back of my mind I AM a catalyst, conduit and channel of Great Spirit. I am a conductor of the great mystery. I am God’s weapon and wand of magick and truth. ⁣

I hold my self and my clients as vessels of pure potentiality. And through this one self we can truly tap into magick that births a whole new paradigm.

In the words of Krishnamurti, what we are, the world is. And all I see is infinite potential, infinite wealth, infinite possibilities, infinite magick swirling in motion through each and everyone of us. Waiting to be awakened and materialized through our sacred portals of love and power.

Imagine that..

All my luv,




Michelle Jeovanny

I create. I write. I express. Writing to create magick in this world. Where innovation meets depth and style. And perspective creates purpose. Elevating freedom