It’s never about them.
There are no others…
Often I hear my friends, clients, colleagues say ‘Michelle you always say that.’.
It’s easy to get caught up in the mirror. Pointing fingers, making it about others. It’s really easy to keep getting distracted, projecting our wounds, protecting our scabs in every story.
It’s easy because that’s not the work. That’s not where growth resides…
If you keep allowing yourself to get stunted by the mirror making it about them, you rob yourself from actually growing and reclaiming your power, often yielding the lesson to continue showing up.
If your stories often involve others, you’re fucked. .
Pain is a portal and yet there are no others. I too have been there and I’m the first to say that’s not where my power comes from.
I’ll face whatever pain and work myself back to owning all of it. Sometimes it’s easy, and some days it’s a practice…
My power in the now is when I take full ownership of all that shows up in my field. And be with my contrast in full curiosity and compassion mode…
Because there are no others. There is only one. And you will always be the One.
Feel it fully to heal it and let’s get curious about what the resistance is asking of us.
Sometimes it’s forgiveness.
Sometimes it’s compassion.
Almost always it’s to love ourselves just a little more.
All my luv,