The Impermanence of life connects us to the urgency of life. I’ve been reflecting a lot lately on what truly matters and how do we actually measure that.
How do you measure a life well lived?
A life where we truly loved and honored who and what we value most?
These questions can only be answered by each individual author of their own story.
I would give back everything to have one more month with my grandmother. All the likes and follows, every workshop, and all material accolade just to have one last embrace.
In the end, life has no mercy when it comes to death. And as a mystic, I know firsthand death is not the end. But what if we truly lived as if the end was near. As if each day could be the very last, how differently we would live and love in this now moment?
I shared with my cousins that I’m burying all my resentments and stories with my grandmother and I hope to embody and share the unconditional love she poured into each and every one of us.
May we love with no limits and be open to receive wholeheartedly Great Spirit’s unconditional love through every encounter.
May it be so.
All my luv,