Sometimes during the journey, you think you’re lost. You’re deep in the journey you seem to have lost yourself. But you’re so on the beat you just forgot about the trek altogether. You’re in full communion.
The trees have messages. The sun reminds you to shine. The breeze dances with your presence. The earth holds you. But you’re so consumed with the trek you sometimes forget you’re surrounded by unconditional love.
You forget you are not alone. That’s how living in mastery feels.
Consumed by the moment. Lost in the trail. Time has lost its effect. The distance no longer seems like a stretch until new trails find our way. Before you know it, you reached your destination. And then once again new goals begin again.
We realize it was never about the goal and everything to do with whom we became along the way. And then you set off again. This time longer treks with higher inclines and deeper twists.
You say to yourself right before you begin, ‘this time around let’s enjoy the journey and remember to dance and play.’