When I got home yesterday from facilitating our Sacred Alchemy Retreat at our lake house in Catskills serving and standing for 13 mega powerhouses, I came home with my heart so full, my mind so still, rooted in peace, and my body grounded in purpose and joy in ways words can never fully articulate.
I love life. I love my work. And I know why I’m here and I’m only just getting started.
We are just getting started!
When you’re living in alignment with your soul’s assignment, with your soul’s magick, as an offering of your magick, when you believe in magick and you finally arrive into the full embodiment of your magick, I say this humbly, watch out world because these leaders of leaders have arrived. And they have unleashed their mothereffin magick!!!
What an honor it is to witness these epic souls finally remember and know and step in fully into who you were always destined to be. Thank you for your willingness to step in and own who you really are.
The medicine.
The movement.
The magick.
My heart is so full… full of gratitude and deep deep honor.
I have a lot more to say about the magick that was unleashed this weekend at Sacred Alchemy…
but for now, THANK YOU to the 13 leaders who stepped into their higher council and owned their magick. Thank you to my team: @maryse_karuna for co-facilitating and being the jewel of compassion, to @mellisajrosa for your heart and service, to @yelenabinder for your healing service, @sunetra33 for your food magick, and to my hubby and partner extraordinaire, @thisisjdmitra thank you for co-facilitating and giving us all of you! Your heart and soul and leadership. What a full-circle moment for us to lead our work and our retreats at our dream home.
And this is just the beginning. Because every day is a new day to give it all we’ve got. And the world is waiting for your magick!
All my luv,