Part 1/2 — learning to trust
The weekend my grandmother transitioned I had made a hard decision. I decided to fly to Petaluma, California to begin my 9-month somatic coaching certification. This was the last cohort that Professor Strozzi Heckler would be teaching, a leading expert and founding father of somatic coaching.
A few years ago I became deeply curious about the body and the brain and how to optimize our being and quality of life as we age.
Some say it all begins in the brain. Others have disputed it's all about the body. But when we look at the brain as a part of the body and the body as an extension of the brain, we start to understand the intrinsic relationship between the two as one.
And when we combine the study through the lens of the Spirit and the power of the heart, we become enamored with the beautiful function of this golden trinity: the body, the brain, the being or better known as the soul.
I became fascinated with the work of coaching from an ontological point of view 12 years ago when I decided to understand the power of mindset and mastery combined with leadership and devotion to presence. I studied under Jim Hellam and Bettie Spruill and many other leading trainers and coaches that I am extremely proud of and grateful to have learned from.
After all this time and practice, I started to understand more and more the power of a free, aligned and embodied being.
The mind being like a software that requires daily physical and mental exercises, proper nutrition, sleep, and monthly challenges to keep growing and to literally keep young.
If we’re not feeling safe in our bodies to love and keep risking what we do know to continue to grow, love, learn, connect and serve others, then we digress.
We get caught in old emotional and thought patterns that keep us looping backwards until we resolve and clear the emotional trauma stuck in the body, that ironically keeps looping us back as well.
It’s how we self-sabotage.
It’s why self-loathe.
It’s why we become slower.
It’s why we lose clarity and focus or perhaps focus too aggressively.
When I saw my grandfather lose his memory and regress, I wanted to understand why the brain starts digressing. The aging process sucks like he once said to me during our last conscious conversation that unbeknownst to him had been the kickstart of me developing my own CBD line and sacred herbal tinctures. I wanted to show empathy and relieve his pain somehow but all I could do was stay quiet, a bit lost with how to respond to that.
And that’s how the rabbit hole started for me…