NEW MOON IN LEO ♌️ Part 1.
I believe every human has their limit. And oftentimes the arguments are a way of protecting the boundaries of those limits. The requests, the endless conversations, and repeated complaints become a way of safeguarding the relationship from ever reaching that limit.
Because when you get to that limit, it all feels like shit piled over shit and there’s no coming back from all the shit. No pun intended. All the stories in the world do nothing at that point except remind you to choose yourself in those environments that seem toxic and abusive.
Sometimes choosing yourself entails creating hard boundaries that exclude those very same people that you love to prevent them from ever having the space again to hurt you.
There’s spiritual warfare. Warfare consumes people with fear and hate on a daily basis. People often turn to toxic behaviors like alcohol, work obsession, money hunger, material vanity, and gossip.
Those same behaviors create an opening for parasites and demonic infiltration to occur. I’ve seen and witnessed unhappy humans turn to religious rituals to create energetic interferences on their children and it’s sad to say but it’s true. I’ve witnessed family members turn to black magic and send curses to their own blood family because they’re not happy. If you’re trying to control another human being’s life for personal gain that is called interfering.
Parasites and interferences are real.
Spiritual attacks are real.
And when people are vulnerable they lower their frequency and become a host to those entities.
This is why your vibration is everything. And when we truly own up to our light, the game changes. There are no shadows in the light. Your field is a co-creator of the light field that permeates the entire earth grid. It’s why many of you are here. But if you keep wavering in the truth of who you are, your vibration starts flickering and descending.
This is why I preach and stand by the inner work wholeheartedly. The energetics of your spiritual domain is an always and forever game.