Monday comes along and some dread it… others can’t wait.

Michelle Jeovanny
2 min readJan 24, 2022

From experience, when you love what you do Monday becomes like a holiday you look forward to.

Monday was named after the moon.

If we’re dreading Mondays, it means there’s something in our lives we are resisting, something is not in tune or in alignment.

Maybe it’s our job since Monday is back to work … maybe its our financial situation or our love life.. it could be anything from even feeling confused as to what now?

If you find yourself resisting Mondays, remember to breathe and know it’s the moon amplifying your emotional body which tends to highlight just like a barometer where we get to feel and create space by going inward.

Sit with the emotions and moods bubbling up and ask yourself what am I resisting and what can I do about it now.

Ask yourself how do you really want to feel.

Ask yourself what do you truly desire.

Write it down and be with the emotion softly tending to it, giving yourself what you need to return to your inner peace.

Allow whatever emotion has surfaced for you to move through you.. the allowing in itself will start the healing process.

Then allow yourself to dream again.

When we allow ourselves to feel it, we begin to create space for what’s next.

Repeat after me.. It is safe to feel this. It is safe to release this. I have the power to create what I desire to experience. It is safe to dream again.

Happy Moon Day Magick Tribe!

And in case yyou haven’t heard — Magick Year starts on the new moon, next week February 2nd.

Create your most epic year ever with Magick Year, my powerful transformational 9-week online group mentorship.

You and me and an epic group of humans on a mission, holding each other to the fire of our greatness.

Cheers to creating your greatest year yet.

Just because you decided.

As the sacred and powerful creator that you are.

All my luv,




Michelle Jeovanny

I create. I write. I express. Writing to create magick in this world. Where innovation meets depth and style. And perspective creates purpose. Elevating freedom