That 8 letter word in itself is a mouthful. That word has brought me to my knees both physically and psychologically more times than I can count.
It’s a full-blown ceremony that has had me face parts of me I wasn’t sure I’d make it out alive. And to be honest I didn’t. There were parts of the old me that I had to grieve and let go...
Just like a ceremony, the medicine of marriage has had me face off many ego deaths. The shedding taking place can leave you feeling hungover and exhausted like we over-process certain emotions.
But in reality, we’re not feeling those emotions, we’re actually reacting to them.
And the anger, the rage, the sadness, depression — all of it is necessary.
🛑 Don’t listen to any post on social media or any friend/family that tries to tell you feeling what you are feeling is not helping the situation. We get to feel all of it to heal, and when we process our emotions we’re able to detox from them, only to arrive to our purest state — JOY.
🛑 Do not buy into everyone’s perfect curated Instagram life… we all have our shit and if there’s no depth and greater purpose to your relationship, then of course it’s easy if we’re staying close to shore.
Every ‘marriage crisis’ is a huge opportunity to heal and integrate parts of your childhood wounds that we keep reenacting with our partners and vice-versa.
I thank the pandemic for this huge pause that has forced my husband and I to slow down and get really still. In that stillness, we leaned into all the inner static between us that at times all the busyness can masquerade or sweep under the rug.
I declared in my vows an extraordinary relationship between Spirit, Joy, and myself. And it’s in the surrender part that I allow Spirit to lead every part of me, and that includes my marriage.
There’s so much I want to say on this but this isn’t the time nor the platform. I’ll be sharing more on this.. but for now, know every path is unique to the soul’s evolution and we get to dive into our own medicine.
⚡️ Have grace and compassion and lean into the vision and values. If respect is gone lean into creating new agreements.
⚡️ Create a 30-day game plans and ask for support from someone you both trust to hold space for the magick to flourish that Spirit has intended through this union.
⚡️ Communicate and LISTEN to understand.
⚡️Understand your attachment and your partner’s attachment style.
⚡️ Take all that energy and refocus it on you.. reparent yourself, love yourself, keep your promises to yourself, up your self-care game, and above all...
⚡️ Hold the vision high, with or without, BIG LOVE is on the menu and that begins with you holding that vision high no matter what and getting out of your own way to allow Spirit to move and create through you.
All my luv,