Imagine if we lived every moment in gratitude and celebration…

Imagine if we lived every moment in gratitude and celebration. Loving life every day just as is… imagine if no one pretended. If no one hid. If we didn’t have stories of playing small or having what it takes. Just imagine if everyone felt loved, supported, seen. Imagine if every single human felt free and celebrated.

Ask yourself how can you share a little more life, a little more love, joy, connection.. how can you share a little more of your presence today?

May we continue cultivating those sacred spaces for ourselves to really see ourselves through the eyes of the Divine.

To then be that mirror for others to see themselves. For we can only see others to the degree we can see ourselves.

I see you…

All my luv,



Michelle Jeovanny

I create. I write. I express. Writing to create magick in this world. Where innovation meets depth and style. And perspective creates purpose. Elevating freedom