December is here! 🎁
It’s my birthday month.
The new year is right around the corner!
Time is flying by! And I’m turning 35 all over again… well something like that:)
I kid! More like entering the 4th level and can I just say I’ve never been more excited for this new decade of embodied magick and wisdom that this new chapter represents for me. I’m calling it The Surrender Experiment after a book written by Michael Singer.
But this month I am pre warning you.. do not.. I repeat DO NOT let this month become a blur with shopping and holiday parties. Get intentional about finishing this year with a bang!
Make this month super intentional and productive AF.. make each day count… we are going into a power year super clear and super on point with our vision. Setting our dreams in motion by getting it done!
Get clear. Make a plan. You decide.. then choose! We got work to do!
Drop an “Amen” below if you’re all about these blessings we’re manifesting!
All my luv,