Be deeply devoted to making yourself feel good.

Michelle Jeovanny
1 min readJan 18, 2022

PSA::: Be deeply devoted to making yourself feel good.

Cancer full moon is asking us to feel into what’s asking to be expressed. In order to complete. In order to create space.

Our emotions become messengers of our body and soul.

So much of our evolution lies in our ability to let go and create space as a sacred way of affirming that we are whole.

Can we be complete in every moment?

Can we listen deeper and honor our intuition sooner?

Can you let go of the old versions of you that no longer serve the new you?

Are you willing to see things differently?

And most importantly what would being deeply devoted to making yourself feel good look like?

It’s an honoring. A letting go. Surrendering and allowing life’s perfection to unfold.

Are you willing to trust?

Are you willing to allow life to surprise you? And have it be so much juicier and grand than you ever imagined?

I hope you choose you.

I pray you say yes.

And allow your heart to guide you.

All my luv,




Michelle Jeovanny

I create. I write. I express. Writing to create magick in this world. Where innovation meets depth and style. And perspective creates purpose. Elevating freedom